Wednesday 1 February 2012

End of Month bonus blog.

I have reached the end of the first month of the new year with old challenges, thought I would treat you all to an extra Blog. Managed a total of 48,900 metres in Janurary. I managed to swim 24 days out of 31 which included two weeks of six sessions per week.
I will be working a little more going forward which will reduce the sessions and metres but hoping to keep the higher metres for another month or so. Hope to convert the metres to higher quality sessions later in the year. Might have to plan double session days for days off.
After the slight blow out of calories over the weekend am back to less than 2000 cals per day and working at getting rid of the fat part of fat swimmer.
Finally, after the pain free swimming at the weekend, I followed up with some back and medley training last night. The shoulder reacted well to the backstroke and almost pain free with a small change to my technique. Trying hard to roll from the hip and shoulder and it seems to take the pressure away from the rotator cuff tendon which is causing the pain.
Have entered a 50 Back in a few weeks time which will be the first back stroke for nearly 12 months. Time will tell.

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