Monday 30 January 2012

Belated blog due to first competition of the year.

We took the iPad with us which proved very useful and stopped Mrs T getting bored between watching the Royal Navy boys warm up and the occasional swim by Tewson. I on the other hand had no time to complete my weekly blog. I am always amazed how little spare time we have when away swimming. In addition this weekend, my son and his girlfriend came up to Crawley from Dover on Saturday and we all went for a low calorie meal at TGI's in the evening.

This brings me on to my diet and calorie control. I left with great intentions of sticking to my plans for the weekend. Failure big time. I think I averaged 3200 cals a day Fri-Sun.
Oh well back at it today. Last week I managed another 2 lbs for a total of 13lbs lost. I really need to keep at it as I realised how I look from the videos Mrs T took of two of my swims on Sunday. (blobby Tewson)

I was a little disappointed with my swims especially the 200 free. Not as fit as I thought but I guess I have only had 4 weeks of proper training since the shoulder surgery and I trained right up to the weekend. I also treated the weekend as a fun break so ate and drank far to much. At least the swims told me where I am and the 400 free and 100 breast were on par with last year. Generally a happy Tewson.

Training totals are looking good 44,000 metres so far with 2 sessions to go. The best news is that I had no shoulder pain during my swims, even for the sprint 50 fly. I just need to try backstroke out some time soon.

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