Saturday 21 January 2012

Good week all round.

My blog is becoming a weekly affair each Saturday. Saturday is also my swimming rest day and weigh day. Looks like my 4-5 lbs a week weight loss has come to an end and now the grind of 2-3 a week starts. Just a 2lb loss giving me a total of 11lbs in three weeks. Pretty happy really but like any diet they never work quickly enough for most fatties like me. I need to make sure I keep at it for the next three months.
Training has also gone quite well. Over 13k for the week and over 33k for the month so far. I gave the stroke development session on Tues a miss as last week it gave my shoulder some jip for a couple of days. The shoulder still takes a fair bit of time to loosen up but have been stretching before and after swimming which seems to help. Also been avoiding backstroke so the other 3 strokes are working quite well. How well and how fit I am will be revealed next weekend at Crawley. Not looking forward to the 400 but I am for the meet in general.
The other plus for the week has been lots of kick work at Gloucester and during lane swimming. Legs are definately working better for longer. Hope this translates to better racing.
Two days at a hotel next weekend.that will test my resolve at Breakfast and Dinner. Weighing in will be early next Friday.

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