Saturday 14 January 2012

All good news but shoulder concerns remain!

A good week again for me but somehow I'm not over happy. Lots of positives, I managed to swim 6 days running up to yestrday but this is countered by low metres per session as I am still protecting the shoulder. Was very sore after Tues club session , I think due to medley sets and drills which I am not really ready for. Back to the positives, over 20k in the first two weeks of the year and soreness now OK after some steady sessions Wed and Thurs with a hard working 2.2k yesterday to finish the week.
Weight wise a good 2nd week. I had concerns that I was not eating enough carbs to allow me to train well so increased carbs from Wed onwards. Also found a great website myfitnesspal which helps with calorie counting and setting allowances for exercise . The result this week was a loss of another 4lbs giving me a 9lbs loss over the first two weeks. Back down to 17.02 which has removed all my recent gains of the last 3 months. The aim now is to average 2-3lbs a week for the next month or so.
Not sure how I am with improved fitness, I guess it is difficult to judge week by week? My shoulder seems to take a long time to warm up before pain disappears. I am planning to increase my stretch and warm up before swimming to see if it helps. I am told I need to introduce a warm down set of stretches to aid recovery. Need some advice on these. Time to ask the forums me thinks.
Hoping the shoulder continues to improve but am always concerned it won't, only time will tell.

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