Saturday 25 February 2012

A better week all round.

I nearly put a BUT in this weeks title but decided I can be a little negative at times, so this should be a positive outlook on the past week and looking forward to next week.
After a struggle with diet and training last week I managed an all round improvement. Another 2 lbs off the Tewson frame (19 in total) tempted to say it should have been better but I won't! Training wise, only made it to Gloucester once as I had 3 days working this week (Good core training) but with two sessions on Thursday and another one later this morning should make it to around 12k for the week. We had an interesting kick session on Thursday. Apart from the 600 warm up and the last 200 of the swim down it was all kick with sprints followed by active recovery. Considering I had done 2k at lunch tome I was quite impressed that I completed the session without cramping.
This coming week will start Sunday with a club session at Gloucester. Have booked a couple of days work at the start of the week leaving me time to swim up to the weekend and the Bracknell Masters meet next Saturday. Looking forward to my first IM for over 12 months. I have also entered the Royal Navy Meet and our own Gloucester Open this week. These will follow the Welsh Open in 4 weeks time.
I just hope now that all the work and weight loss allows me to swim a little faster later in the year.

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