Monday 13 February 2012

Good and not so Good

Well my blog this week is a few days late for a couple of reasons. Firstly have been away all weekend visiting my grand-daughter and daughter. I did take the iPad but just did not have time to blog. In addition I had my follow up appointment with my shoulder consultant today so thought I could put all the news together. I just just hope this blog does not carry on for too long.
Good training week with 13,000 metres which included a two session day on Tues. I did struggle during the second session at Gloucester so this week my two session day is today with both sessions being in public lanes. Trying to make up for no swimming at all over the weekend.
Diet was a struggle last week but still managed a single lb. With an early weigh on Friday. My diet over the weekend was pretty poor so am hoping I can at least not put weight on this week. It might be another struggle. As soon as I get away from my normal routine I seem to get my silly diet head on and binge. Am now being silly at the opposite end of the scale and eating very little for a couple of days to try and recover the situation.
Will be working 2 x 12 HR shifts this week and have the Staffordshire masters next Sunday. I will be training straight through although Saturdays training may be reduced to Starts and Turns. Will be swimming 50's only to check out how much speed I have in the arms. Should be fun.
Good meeting with my shoulder consultant today. He says my flexibility in the shoulder is better than at any time in the last two years. He was happy to sign me off and wished me luck with the swimming. He also mentioned the very difficult SLAP repair for the first op. He didn't mention it was very difficult at the time !!!!!
Let's hope the shoulders stay at least as good as they are now and I can get fitter and faster over the next 12-24 months. I still feel I should be able to beat my body suit times of 3 years ago. I will need to If I expect any more winners medals at Nationals.
I really can't just wait two more years to move up another age group, I need to compete with these younger guys coming into this age group . If I take a second or so off last years times I might just make it.

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