Saturday 12 March 2011

Good Diet , Poor Training, Need some metres next week. memories of Free.

Saturday Weigh Day. 3 lbs this week. that's a total of 19 since the New Year. Only 20 to go and I'll be happier. Exercise at work (a hard week) helped I am sure. Need to follow up with another good week ahead.
Training started well  Mon/Tues with 4600M. I then was offered 3 nights work so thought the manual exercise would do me good and the money would contribute towards events for the rest of the year. I keep thinking there should not be a problem working all night and then doing a quick swim session the following evening before work. Trouble is I am knackered. Am hoping the manual exercise will improve my core strength and make up for the lost swimming.
I will be training at Gloucester tomorrow (Sunday) to start the week. Have agreed 4 x afternoons work this week so will not be able to get over on Tuesday or Thursday. Will try and get 3-4 public lane swims in (7.30-9.00) the rest of the week.
Totally unrelated I have bought two tickets for Paul Rodgers at Birmingham. Looking forward to some live 70's blues. For any youngsters reading think Free and Bad Company. If this means nothing you really must be  very young and should not be reading an old mans Blog. I saw Free in 1973 (Bristol). I hope he has worn better than me.

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