Monday 26 March 2012

Ups and Downs.

After getting my diet back on track last week I managed to hold the weight at 16.05 so not a total cock up on the diet front but I need a diet boost to get me down to the weights starting with 15. This was always my initial target cause I am pretty sure it has been at least 25 years since I last saw a 15 at the start of my weight. I also worked Monday to Thursday and did a few hours on Thursday hoping this would have helped the weight loss but I think it just made me hungry in the evening. Because I was competing last Sunday I did not train and then while working I was too knackered to train also. I did take a 1200 metre gentle paddle on Wed evening and finally managed a club session on Thursday. Finally a local public lane session on Friday gave me a 6900 metre week the lowest this year. I think it did help me with my swims at the weekend though, with the easy swimming week. This brings me onto the ups for the week. Swam at Millfield School in the Royal Navy Masters Open Meet on Sunday. Of course with the clocks going forward on Sunday morning I hd a shortage of sleep especially as my neighbour held a family party at the village hall on Saturday night (which is opposite my house) I think I managed around 5 hours sleep before rising at 0530 and leaving at 0600. A quick stop for breakfast and arrived in plenty of time for the 0900 warm up. Great meet this one and with record attendance again this year. I swam 200 free with a 0.01 PB beating my time from Sheffield last year.I also managed a Post suit PB for the 100 fly, a Seasons best for the 50 free (even though the automatic timing failed for this heat) and the only less than good swim for the 50 back. I had been training to improve my starts and turns by increasing My under water sections but failed by starting too shallow then wallowing about between fly and back kicks while almost at the surface. The turn was slightly better but more practise required I think. Already into this weeks training with a lunch time session today and am now sat on my sun lounger in shorts updating my blog and my training/competition records on the iPad. Think I might have a doze now no work til Thurs.

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