Monday 19 March 2012

Happier week and happier Blog.

Well I managed to get the 3lbs weight back off plus an extra one to keep me smiling. Week 11 -4lbs down to 16.05. Back on track, now the difficult bit to keep it going to the end of the year. Swam at the Welsh Masters Open over the weekend. Poor turnout by Gloucester Masters for various reasons but hopefully Will have better turnouts for future events. Very happy with my swims, all the times quicker than similar dates last year and not far off my seasons bests last year at Nationals. I do however need to sort my Breaststroke technique out as I seem to work so hard and get no where! Thought the Swansea Pool was excellent and the meet was organised very well. It's a pity more swimmers from the Midlands and South do not attend. The meet should easily rival the SE Masters meet at Crawley. The pool is certainly better in all aspects. The Wales asa need to push this meet far more than they currently do. Managed to eat pretty well to start the week especially as I was away in a Hotel at the weekend. Fellow swimmers taking me to an all you eat place for dinner on Saturday made me work hard at restraint. Hoping to keep the diet working for the rest of the week. Working 3 days this week so training will be a little reduced but will be swimming 3 sessions up until Saturday before swimming the Royal Navy Masters Meet at Millfield School on Sunday. Another chance to improve my 50 free and a first try for a 100 fly this year. Also doing a 200 fs and a 50 back. Should be fun. Training metre's down last week and likely to be down again this week. Oh well will try and keep the quality of the sessions I do up as high as possible.

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