Wednesday 14 March 2012

Don't Blog Bad News ?? Changed my mind.

I missed my blog on Saturday. I was not happy with the fact that I had no good news to blog!
But life is not always a bed of roses and as with any challenge they don't always go to plan.
Historically I have responded poorly to piss poor performance which is why my fight to improve my fitness, speed and weight has not always gone smoothly and sometimes failed .
So the news from last week. Managed to put on another couple of lbs to add to the one from the previous week. In summary 3 lbs increase over 2 weeks. Training was also a fuck up. After my Sunday club session my shoulder was a little sore, I trained in public lanes on Monday and managed only a few hundred metres before my shoulder seized up. The rest of the week I ice packed the shoulder and rested it with no swimming.
I really thought something had gone again, I was all ready to give up the diet give up swimming and go back to playing golf cause I definitely do not want any more surgery. I checked in with my doctor who thought it was a little over exertion causing inflammation of the rotator cuff tendon.
Luckily by Friday the shoulder felt a lot better and I swam gently on last Friday and Saturday then went back to a club session on Sunday. Although the shoulder is still a little sore and backstroke is painful it has improved remarkably. I am planning to swim less sessions but ensure the quality of the ones I do is high. So panic over for now. I seemed to have quickly lost the 3 lbs of increased weight so hope by the end of week 11 this Saturday I will be back to where I was in week 8 (16.06) or better with luck.
I know exactly why I lost control for a a week or so but am back on plan. Looking forward to my starting with 15. stone in a few weeks.
Swimming at Swansea at the Wales Masters Open Meet this weekend, hoping my rest and improved run up to the weekend gives me a little more speed than I have managed so far this year. Have promised myself a new pair of racing Jammers as a reward. That's better than a blow out meal eh?

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