Monday 7 November 2011

How wrong can I be? Good news.

Well I said no further damage to the bicep tendon, almost right but not quite. I also said not new damage to the the rotator cuff , WRONG again.

Follow up appointment to the latest key hole surgery today. For a change saw me on time and the NHS system working like clockwork.

The wound is healing well with the stitches almost all gone. I really felt that the consultant had done very little and I guess compared to last year he hadn't.
He says the anchors and stitching of the bicep tendon carried out last year was looking good but some inflammation on the tendon where it rides over the top of the shoulder. He has trimmed this to allow the tendon to slide freely without causing further inflammation.
In addition to this he found that the rotator cuff tendon which runs between two bones was being squeezed on the underside of the shoulder. He has 'shaved' some bone off to allow the rotator cuff tendon to move unimpeded.
The summary was that the shoulder should be OK or at least better than it was with less or no pain. I have a follow up in 3 months when more could be done to improve if it is not OK. He also warned that further surgery may not help. All positive and the best news is I don't need to be out of the water for 4 months, in fact I can swim tomorrow, although I may still have some post surgery pain for a few weeks.
Looking forward to a gentle swim tomorrow although may not attemp fly or back just yet.
Looking forward to a winter of training so I can swim faster next year, fingers crossed.

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