Wednesday 25 May 2011

Shoulder Problem back again ! Low Heart Rate issue! Can't Swim !

An interesting 10 days or so since my last Blog. After a 3 night stint of manual work my shoulder was unusually sore when I trained last week. It felt very similar to my pre surgery shoulder but I was sure it was due to the 3 shifts of manual work. I called my consultant on Friday and he suggested I make an appointment with him. I rested for 48 hrs and swam at the Lido on Saturday. Well I swam approx 400 metres before the pain in the shoulder stopped me continuing. This was definitely worse than pre - op. Oh well have rested since and just got back from consultant appointment. Now on list for more key-hole surgery. The man thinks either frayed tendon catching or a new issue with the rotator cuff.
Hoping with careful rest periods I may still be able to compete at Leeds in June. (The relay at least). Perhaps not then!
The next issue came from two sources. I had my annual cardiac check up this week. All Ok except that my pulse rate was down to 40 ish BPM. During the pre-op checks today the same issue was raised both by the nurse and the anesthetist. I think I may need to adjust one of the many drugs I take these days. I did try and argue that it was caused by my super fitness but they didn't buy that explanation but I am sure I'm right.

So unless I have an amazing recovery I won't be at Leeds or Sheffield this year. (Another entry fee down the drain. Approx 12-16 weeks from now would put surgery towards the end of Aug or early Sept. Three or Four months to re-start training and another 3 months before I can compete. 2012 here we come then. At least I can train all winter and get fit for once. My biggest concern is screwing my diet and not being out of competing again for 6 months.
Really hoping the surgery will sort the shoulder out and I can have a couple of years swimming with no issues.

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