Sunday 8 May 2011

My aims difficult to judge at the moment.

Another week and another 2 lbs lost. 16.05. Nothing more to say now. I am more than happy with the weight loss and am determined to look like a swimmer before the end of the year. The weight loss is the easiest of my aims to measure for obvious reasons (Its measurable). I think I am up to 28lbs lost in total since restarting my aims after my post operative 'rest' (Lazy bas---d period). My problem is that I feel I need to lose lots more to have a required effect on my fitness and speed.
I havn't had enough training this past winter and spring, only really started again mid Feb and finally felt I was getting somewhere. Until this weekend. Two meets and 7 swims with some slow performances and not 'feeling fitter'. I died for the last 20 metres of a 100FS. and my 50's were just slower than expected. I am hoping its a matter of time and that I need at least another couple of months. Training feels better but this 'feeling' is not transferring to being faster.
Time will tell, next meet is June (British LC Masters at Leeds) so I need to work hard for the next 5 weeks and continue going forward. Speed comparisons I have changed. Any PB's from the 'Suit' period 2008/2009 I have ignored on my personal records. I will count PB's on non suit swims only this year. I am still hoping to beat the suit swims at some stage going forward but maybe not this year. 

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