Tuesday 26 April 2011

Forgive me swimmers and friends for I have not blogged for 3 weeks.

I kept logging on and composing a blog in my head, then thinking the content was repetitive and boring, then thinking Would I want to read this drivel ? Then I came to my senses and thought, what the hell, as this is my only record of my quest I need to keep it going even if no one else reads it but me and Mrs Tewson (And thats not a given)
Anyway to get back to repetitive and boring. The diet. After 9 weeks of continuous weight loss I did put a lb on at some stage although this has been lost plus an additional 2 lbs since. Weight at last weigh day (23/04) was 16 s 7 lbs. So in summary, losses are slowing and I have been struggling a little but hopefully the losses will fight back over the coming weeks. If I make under 16 st it will be the first time since approx 1982.
Training has been hard work. the last 3 weeks totals up until 23/04 have been 6.8 K 9.7K and 8.8 K. Not great in meterage but some good quality and faster sets. I ended up working over Easter (A long story) so have not swam since 21/04. I will be back tonight at Gloucester Masters (Tues 26th), Public lane tomorrow but another night off Thursday as I am off to see Paul Rodgers at the NIA (Mentioned before I think.)
The weekend I have a trip to Dover to see my Son Matt. Looks like a low meterage week again.
The big problem is only another week or so and I have the Welsh Capital masters at Cardiff and the last day of the Midlands masters at Leamington, all over two days. I was hoping to see some good improvements but time will tell.
I keep suggesting to Mrs Tewson that I really should not be working to enable 5-6 swims a week with land work too. I won't repeat the answers but are along the lines of F*** O** you can pay for your own F***ing swimming you lazy B*****d.
Onwards and upwards

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