Wednesday 18 May 2011

Work, the odd swim and becoming a diet bore!

I shouldn't really complain, I seem to be managing 4 swims a week which I guess is about average for the master Swimmer. I would really like to make it 5 or 6 but unfortunately I need to do some work to pay for the afore mentioned Masters Swimming. I chose to do a manual job (and boy it has been this week) as it would help with core fitness and weight loss. The weight loss it does help still not sure about the core fitness.
I think I have always been an impatient person. I guess I will need to wait a little longer to see results.
I tend to work 3 days in a row and for this period I am always too knackered to train (Swim). Apologies to all sports people who have the same issues and don't whinge all the time.
Well I managed a couple of minutes without mentioning the 'D' word. The diet is going well, another couple of pounds. Looking forward to getting under 16 stone soon I hope. I really can't remember the last time my scales read 15 stone something. I would guess pre 1985.
The next land mark is the British Masters (LC. 50M) at Leeds. I am glad they have a new pool as I do not have good memories of the old one. 1972 and the only time I remember my Mum telling me off for swimming performance. I guess expectations were quite high but at 16 nearly 17 I had other things on my mind which may had affected swimming performance. It was also my last Nationals as a 'proper swimmer'. Anyway more detail and expectation for these nationals in the coming weeks.

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