Sunday 12 June 2011

Pain Killers working well, Looking forward to Leeds.

Well nothing it seems is as bad as it sometimes appears. The shoulder is however worse than last year prior to surgery. I tried Ibuprofen prior to a training session 10 days ago and it worked well. I have managed to get through 4-5 sessions since with no ill effects or making the shoulder worse. So after 3 weeks and swimming a total of 6-7000 Mts I have managed closer to 10K in the last week. I have changed my stroke length slightly which helps so am sort of ready to swim at Leeds.
This is the first year that I have been fit (sort of) to swim at the LC event. have entered the last two years and failed to swim. No expectations for any off my swims and based on entry times I won't be close to any top three finishes except for the relay where my fellow team members should pull us through. No more training before Friday and first day at Leeds. Perhaps an easy swim in the middle of the week with a few sprints, starts and turns.
Have managed to hold the weight down during a period of less swimming (and less working). So a much happier Tewson this week. See you all at Leeds on Friday. If you are swimming.

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