Tuesday 23 August 2011

Six days swimming, Still no surgery news.

Managed to swim 6 out of the last 7 days. Four club sessions and a couple in public lanes at Leominster. Only swimming front crawl still. Feeling not at all bad. Managed about 40K in the last 3 weeks which for me is pretty much my busiest swimming period as a Master. I have this theory that the fitter I am prior to surgery the quicker I will recover . Still no date yet, I may have to call the consultant's secretary at this rate to push things along a bit. I have the entry forms for the Gloucester County Masters in Sept. Closing date is the 4th so will be sending it off if I hear nothing. Someone said I would be swimming at Sheffield at this rate. I really hope not cause I was planning to be back in the pool post surgery by then !!!!

Mrs Tewson managed to get the scales working this week.? The results were no surprise to me. I have had a really bad diet period and not weighing regularly has not helped. From my low this year of 16.03 I have managed to creep (OK shoot) back up to 17.02. So back to the grind stone to get it all off again. My problem was that I kept thinking it does not matter as I am just ticking over until the surgery. Of course my state of mind is just an excuse to pig out for a month or so and the result is almost a stone of fat added to my body. Will I ever learn ?

Just returned from a short interlude, had to collect my car and pop to Post office and doctors.. Bloody garage decided to close early ! Car ready but on the street locked up so cant get to it. No spare key and two taxi rides to and from. can't work tomorrow now cause the bloody place is not open until 0800 and I should be working 0660-1400. I cant get to Gloucester tonight NO BLOODY CAR so no training. And another taxi in the morning to pick the thing up. I AM NOT A HAPPY BEAR.

I am going to eat now to cheer my self up. !!!!!!!!!

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