Wednesday 19 October 2011

Count down to Nationals, Training well in-between medical appointments.

Slipped back to my occasional posting. I am sure not many have missed my moans and groans but I apologise anyway. Nine days to the Nationals at Sheffield, looking forward to the event if not my entered swims. In addition 12 days to the shoulder operation which I am also looking forward to as it will be the first step towards being able to train and swim as I would like. (hopefully on all four strokes). In the last week I have attended yet another Pre-op as it was over 12 weeks since the original.(16 by my count). Also had another blood sampling session , flu jab and annual heart check ups. As I get older I seem to be spending more and more time with medical issues. Getting older is a bitch.

No more work planned until the shoulder is healed next year so will be living on savings for a few months.Can't expect Mrs Tewson to support me any more than she does already. (Without much moaning I should add).

So the last couple of weeks been training 4-5 sessions per week (1 hr sessions) 10-12K.
Getting to Gloucester as much as possible (3 sessions per week) the balance in public lanes at Leominster. I shall not be swimming at all until Jan after the op and then kicking and one arm only. So in 8 months this year I will only have managed around 300,000 metres.

I will post the results from Sheffield provided I find some free wi-fi at the hotel or pool, if not I will update after the surgery on Tuesday.
Look forward to seeing everyone at Sheffield.

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