Saturday 23 July 2011

I am a bloody poor blogger. Three weeks of silence. 10 Decathlon Events !!

Well not much positive tales to blog I'm afraid. Three weeks training achieving Week 1. Nil Mtrs. Week 2 4800 Mtrs and week 3. 5500 Mtrs. In total not enough for a decent week of activity. I had a weeks holiday when I took my swim gear but never found any time to get to a pool. Two more weeks with excuses for not getting to the local pool not really bearing repeating here. The coming week looks promising for a renewed effort to get back on target. My diet has managed to stop the rot and I have not increased any more. No loss either but not surprised based on the amount of meals out and some great home cooking (For home cooking read high calorie great tasting food).
Any swimming I have done has been with the aid of ibuprofen. The shoulder is getting worse in term of pain if not in terms of mobility. Even managed to swim 50 Mtrs of backstroke one day (See competition report). No news from the NHS re a date for the next exploratory surgery so I am assuming it will be at the end of August. Should hear in the next 2-3 weeks.
Two events swam recently. In fact approx 3000 Mtrs of my training total was warm ups, swim downs and events at these meets. The first was the Wenlock Olympian meet at Much Wenlock. We needed to swim a sprint distance (25, 50 or 100M) for each stroke as well as a 100M medley to score points to win our age group. I managed to swim 25 M back as well as the back leg of the medley. (Not been able to do one stroke since.). In a poorly attended meet did quite well even managing a seasons best for the 100 IM.
Last weekend attended the Barnet Distance meet !!  Yes you read correctly. I know I am not known for swimming anything above 50M at least not well ! but I needed a distance event to complete my ten decathlon events this year so did my annual 400m 16 seconds faster than last year but still two slow to publish here or anywhere else.. I also managed my first 100 Fly for the year and a 100 Free slowly to finish off the day.
Really liked the pool at Barnet, nice and cold. Hard to tell if it was fast based on how and what I swam.
Nothing else entered as I waiting for surgery dates. Plan to swim the Gloucester Counties Masters and Western Counties Masters Sprints in Sept  if the surgery proves to be later than August. Really hoping for it to be on schedule so I can train from November onwards for next year. World Masters in Italy next June is a nice comeback target.
Hopefully will blog more regularly if we can all stand it.

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