Sunday 27 February 2011

Sunday Club Session.

Much busier than Thurs Night Session. Back to the 8 lane main pool. Great to see most of the guys who I last saw at Sheffield in October.
I moved up a lane to the 3rd fastest. It was hard work but I need to stick to it if they let me as it makes me work harder. Started going off 3/4th but ended up at the back at the end of the main set.

800 warm up as [100 pull, 100 kick, 100 swim (4x25 fast kick)] x 2
10 x150 as 100 steady 50 build to sprint finish on 2.45.
400 recovery swim
Starts and sprints. approx 200m
Swim down 200m

I struggled to keep ahead of the swimmers behind me on the main set of 150's but finished everything OK. One of our resident channel swimmers led the lane and was pretty swift (compared to me). I came into my own when we did the sprints later. I need 3-4 sessions per week like this but won't be over again until Thurs.
Competing next weekend but more of that next week. The drive home (only 32 miles) seemed a long time but I left the water at 8.55 and was home for 10.05.
Oh well up to leave home at 0500 in the morning and a public lane swim at 1900 tomorrow evening.

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