Thursday 24 February 2011

Nearly Three Years and still not happy

Basic information will be old hat to some and details I try not to ponder on too much. After mid life of deserting exercise and smoking levels up to 40/day I was told that I needed bi-pass surgery. Oh Shit! It would never happen to me of course. I had swam competitively as a youngster, then played Water polo and Rugby until late 30's and early 40's. My golf was the only activity left (But not enough). It was Golf or to be more accurate the slight slope on the 2nd hole which first gave me reason for concern. A slight pain in my left armpit and surrounding area. I always walked it off but did realise I was very unfit and breathless at times.
To cut to the chase I eventually went to the docs which led to the diagnosis that I had at least 3 arteries blocked by up to 95%. (Jan 2007).  I gave up my 40/day habit the day I was told give up or die. I waited for the dates for surgery, was told 12-16 weeks. The date came at about a weeks notice and off I went to Birmingham for the op. 31st May 2007. I was in my 53rd year and judging by the age of my fellow customers at the Hospital pretty young to need the surgery. The one advantage my consultant tells me is that I am young enough to have the surgery repeated in 12-20 years if I need it. Leaving to one side all the boring bits the surgery was successful and 7 days later Mrs Tewson drove me home with a pillow between the seat belt and my chest.
After 12 weeks of recovering I was allowed to start a course of rehab. This led to joining the local gym and trying to get fit for the first time on 25 years. My problem with the gym was that I had a chronic back issue of protruding discs and two knacked knees from my Rugby days. I felt I was falling apart. My Sister suggested I go swimming with her 3 times a week.
Now I had fallen out with swimming at 17 due to spending my teenage years swimming 30-40 K a week training and had never considered ever training again. After my first visit to the pool I was close to not starting any sort of swimming training again. I swam the first length and needed to stop and rest! This was May 2008.
Ok, between then and now I progressed from my 3 times a week swimming with sis to Joining Gloucester masters swimming club and attempting to train 5 times a week approx 12-15K.. I have undergone two more bouts of surgery (No not the heart but knee and shoulder) to keep me active. I can still sprint pretty well but to explain the 'still not happy' bit, I still feel the need to get much fitter and swim longer events. I hope after the recent shoulder surgery I can have a couple of years of steady improvement and improve my current performances. The blog will be my record of working to improve while still living my life with Mrs Tewson
Hope you all (If any) don't get to too bored.


  1. AH Steve, interesting your weight profile is a bit like mine except I am buggered if I can get it off as easily as you seem to,
    I am a whopping 20st also, and working at it with little succuess, like you I love me food!!

  2. Morning TV

    I like the confession stuff, 6 yrs after having teenage daughter I was 180 lbs, and decided I needed to do something! exercise, eating at sensible times and Atkins shed about 45 lbs although since then I have been creeping back up.

    I hit 169lbs after Christmas and since starting my swimming comeback have lost about 7lb, slowly but surely.

    Keep it up


  3. Afternoon Binge,

    Trying to do it over the long term for a change.
    It will be good if my physique blends in well by the time we all get to Sheffield in Oct.
    I don't intend to blog about my boring diet but will keep the current weight updated..

  4. Hi Mike.
    Thanks for looking in. At the end of the day I try and eat less (Portion size) and reduce fatty foods. Historically I get bored and have binges which means I yo yo the weight.
    I need to keep busy. When I am moping around I eat more. The time to diet is when you shop (If you do) If we don't bring it home we can't eat it later.
