Saturday 10 December 2011

Five days out of the pool.

Very bored except for the two days work I managed this week. My plan is to rest the shoulder so any inflammation is reduced. I had planned for two weeks but I am planning to go for a club session tomorrow evening at Gloucester. The shoulder does feel a lot better but only when I swim do I get a real 'feel' for any improvement. I will try and tag along at the back of the lane.
I managed two days work this week. One 8 hr and one 12 hr shift. The shoulder was OK but my knee and back were painful with being on my feet for this amount of time. Totally knocked Thurs evening and went to bed at 2130 and slept well. Aches and pains mow gone (sat) so have booked 2 x 12 hrs shifts next week. (Mon and Friday). Mrs T will be pleased I can pay my share of the bills after two months of no income. I also need to get some Open swims entered for next year so should be able to pay my way
The last couple of lazy weeks have done nothing for my weight but at least I haven't piled two much on. I still need to lose T least 15 lbs before next summer as a minimum . I am convinced my heavier weight this year has not helped my quest to swim faster. I know masters swimmers tend to get slower with age but I feel I haven't Been close to fitness or a good weight so should be able to beat my times from the last three tears. Time will tell.

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