Friday 1 June 2012

Planning the rest of the year!

Another longer than needed gap in my postings. Hopefully the blogs will be fresher and not as repetitive as they sometimes have been. My weight loss has not changed much. Managed to put on the 7 lbs from the week before the British and the following 3 weeks. Since then have not eaten very healthfully but have managed to lose 4 lbs of the increase. The target is to reduce to something starting with 14 stone by October in time for the Nationals at Sheffield. Currently 16.02 so a minimum of 17 lbs in 5 months. Training has been going really well, finally feel somewhere near natural, although still takes some time for my shoulders to loosen up. For the first time in three years I have managed to train through the period from December to June with no major breaks or new parts of the body falling apart. The shoulder although not likely ever to be back to full flexibility has recovered and I can still swim all four strokes. Hoping to improve my 100 back later in the year. This time last year I had managed to train only around 132550 metres by the end of May. This year I am up to 237700 metres. 2012. Jan 48900, Feb 49925, Mar 41600, April 48050, May 49625. Way above my original target so I have reevaluated my target to 500,000 metres for the year. Just hope I can carry the swimming through the rest of this year and into next. So far this year I believe I am getting fitter which is improving my 100-400 metre events but my sprinting is currently slower. I have now started to work on improving my stroke technique for free and back. Am completing drills during every session so hopefully the speed will return eventually. Lastly have been trying to put together a programme for the rest of the year. It's very difficult when the number of events during the summer months are few and far between especially as one conflicts with my summer holiday in Spain. The plan is to swim at the North West Masters at Blackpool end of June and then a gap to the Midlands masters in Sept as well as the Barnet distance in the same month building to the Nationals in October. Just need to keep fit and healthy.